Monthly Vedic Astrology Forecast

June 2024

by Kerry Shamblin
posted on May 20, 2024





Collective Soul • Leaders • Government • Heart • Individual Agenda

Sun changes signs once per month, traversing all 12 signs in one year.

Until June 14th, the Sun transits Taurus, absorbing and beaming energies of connection and exchange. Sharing is caring! Sun passes into Gemini June 14th urging us to keep up momentum on our chosen projects. MORE SUN



Emotions • Mental Fluctuation • Mothers • Caregiving • Devotion • Nutrition

Moon changes signs every 2.5 days, traversing all 12 signs in about a month.

New Moon in Taurus on June 6th. Plant seeds, eat well, settle in and get ready to move, all at once. Full Moon in Sagittarius June 21st brings our attention to upward tragectories as we experience intuitive mental clarity. NEW MOON - FULL MOON



Power • Strategy • Protection • Alchemy • Courage • Strength

Mars changes signs about every two months, which varies due to occasional retrograde motion.

Mars transits Aries June 1 – July 12. It's time to execute plans and make changes. Focus. Don't waste energy on frustration, and do the work. The only thing we can change in the outside world is our own reaction to it. MORE MARS



Communication • Currency • Intelligence • Analysis • Local Travel • Markets

Mercury’s movement is variable and quick, from 15 - 60 days in one sign, with three retrograde periods per year.

Mercury moves through Taurus, enters Gemini on June 14th, and then leaps to Cancer on June 29th. This means that we may be able to cover lots of ground, network, practice our stuff, and socialize! Don't forget to nourish yourself as your skip into Summer. MORE MERCURY



Growth • Expansion • Positivity • Children • Education • Divinity • Abundance

Jupiter changes signs once per year, traversing all 12 signs in about 12 years.

Jupiter's desire for expansive growth beams through the Sun in Taurus as June begins. Find a few seeds to plant and nurture, establish roots in new ventures as we shift from plans and ideas to implementation and building.



Relationships • Business • Politics • Entertainment • Love • Beauty • Creativity

Venus changes signs about once per month, but this varies due to occasional retrograde periods.

Venus has disappeared in the brilliant light of the Sun. Our muse and connective force is backstage, finding new expressions of beauty for the next act. Time to doodle and noodle as we let creative juices flow into new channels. MORE VENUS



Limitation • Contraction • Illness • Suffering • Karma • Time • Age • Slow • Cold

Saturn stays in one sign for 2.5 - 3 years, taking 28-30 years to go through all of the signs.

Saturn continues to plod through Aquarius, applying light pressure that reminds us to keep it slow as we humbly do the needful. This message may begin to vary as Saturn assumes retrograde motion from June 29th – November 15th. MORE SATURN


Rahu – North Node

Humanity • Instability • Addiction • Innovation • International • Diversity • Opportunity

Rahu and Ketu form an axis that moves in tandem, spending about 1.5 years in each sign, moving in backward motion through the zodiac.

After a very exciting six months of interaction with other planets, Rahu gets some alone time in Pisces. The boat may still rock in the waves, but less. Let this relatively quiet time open up space to explore desires.


Ketu – South Node

Followers • Army • Spirituality • Intuition • Mistakes • Blindness • Obstruction

Rahu and Ketu form an axis that moves in tandem, spending about 1.5 years in each sign, moving in backward motion through the zodiac.

Ketu in Virgo continues to be the anchor, reflecting in meditative practices, retreats in nature, and body-mind practices that ground us as the world turns, the seeds sprout, the waves get choppy, and our enthusiasm reverberates.

For an in-depth analysis of specific planetary placements, please continue with the full planetary forecast.

Mercury Transits Taurus May 31 – June 14

Mercury in our solar system is the first stone from the Sun, therefore from Earth's perspective, Mercury is never far from the Sun as we observe them. Mercury can never range more than 28 degrees from the Sun in the zodiac, meaning that Mercury will always be in the sign before the Sun, in the Sun's sign, or in the sign after the Sun. It takes about 88 days for Mercury to orbit the Sun, making four laps around the Sun for each of Earth's laps. We will experience this fast movement of Mercury during June, when Mercury's transit touches three different signs: Taurus, Gemini, and Cancer.

After Mercury's retrograde cycle in April, his distance from the Sun in the zodiac was decent, but since then, he's picking up speed and cruising into the Sun's orb of influence. Mercury and Sun will pass into Gemini together mid-June, as Mercury enters deep combustion, beginning to pull ahead of the Sun literally during the shift from Taurus to Gemini.

During the first two weeks of June, with Mercury transiting through Taurus, coming into conjunction with Jupiter on June 4th and then blazing forward to join with the Sun, we may experience an intense plunge into all things learning oriented. Mercury is known as the star student, while both Jupiter and Venus are professors in the university we call life.

All three planets in Taurus: Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter, will be experiencing combustion in June. The idea of combustion is that planets passing through the orb of the Sun are dagdha: burnt, consumed, destroyed. In astrological circles, this condition of planets as combust has a negative connotation and brings distress to those of us who know a bit about reading charts.

Let's reframe the idea of combustion this month, since it's such a part of what June brings us. In many cultures, ceremonial burning is done for purification. In everyday life the state of combustion, when fuel suddenly transforms into energy, is actually quite magical, especially when we are consciously directing that dynamic transformation. The direction and use of fire is a rather human thing, when we consider the other creatures with whom we share this planet.

Mercury is the planet most likely to combust with the Sun. The Sun represents individual and collective ego and soul. It is considered both a malefic and benefic planet, depending on circumstances. As we follow the Sun through the twelve signs of the zodiac each year, we experience an example of the individual's journey through life.

In Taurus, the Sun brings our attention to the matters of Venus, its ruler. It is a good time to give attention to relationships, family connections, the food that nourishes us, the natural beauty that the Earth provides. Mercury's enthusiasm for learning, communication, and analysis could be consciously added to the focus of the Sun. Use this first two weeks of June to implement remedies, try new approaches to communication, and exercise more compassion for self and others.

Mercury's ability to give us multiple viewpoints can help us make changes and improvements. The energy of Taurus is fixed and stubborn; Mercury's tenacious intelligence could help us to find routes out of long time habits or relationship situations that feel stuck.

Mars Transits Aries June 1 – July 12

Mars pushes the power buttons, giving each of us the ability to gather resources and strategize our safety. Mars will pass through his own territory of Aries from June 1st through July 12th, giving us a window to shore up our current work or initiate new campaigns.

When our power is stifled, stolen, lost, or wasted, we tend to run downhill with Mars, descending into anger or aggression. Mars' last station was in Pisces, encountering Rahu, from April 22nd through June 1st. This could have created some unexpected upsets that challenged the Mars in all of us to contain that power in the face of chaos. Resisting the devolution into frustration could have been challenging.

Mars in Aries for six weeks could feel like a different situation entirely. By choice or by circumstance you may find yourself finally empowered to fully commit to a new course of action while at the same time holding the resources needed to make the first step.

Speaking of combustion, Mars rules the element of fire and Aries is a fire sign which will be holding a fiery guy for about six weeks. Proceed, but proceed with caution. Rahu is still causing big waves in Pisces. Saturn, the careful and deliberate one, will be aspecting Mars while he is in Aries. For best results, allow Saturn to shape the molten steel of your initiative by choosing safe over powerful and slow over immediate.

From Aries, Mars' firepower will beam into a few other signs by traditional aspect. The strongest impact will go to Cancer and Scorpio, water signs also being aspected by Rahu at this time. In addition, Scorpio is also receiving Saturn's aspect.

Cancer: Hey, water sign that exalts Jupiter! You could use this Mars aspect to gather your courage as you branch out into new ventures. Since you are emotionally intelligent and sensitive, get ready to experience some anger or directness coming at you. It's not you, it's them. Take a deep breath and see if they are really just needing a snack.

Scorpio: Let's not mince words, you're going to enjoy this 8th aspect from Mars in Aries. You were born for this. All eyes are on you: Sun, Mercury, and Venus looking at you from Taurus, Rahu from Pisces, Saturn from Aquarius. What are you going to do? This is the situation for the first two weeks of June, and then the planets in Taurus move on. Don't delay, but don't rush. No more hiding. Do this thing. Don't waste one drop of your energy arguing and getting distracted by minor frustrations. Focus, use the force!

Libra: Yes, you. Mars is actually giving you a little gaze, too. Yes, he looks good there, powerful, but hey, don't give that power away to anyone else. Try to see the beauty in expression of power so that you don't hire that task out to a proxy. Resist too much concession in your relationships; it will only stick for a short time. Idealism is your super power and also your downfall, be careful about your visions for the future not having practical ties to reality.

The Sun is naturally powerful, burning brightly, combusting other planets. Mars needs fuel to do his magic, allowing him to achieve combustion, too, on a very practical level, allowing us to harness fire and direct power. This Mars style combustion is similar to the energy of Scorpio and the 8th house, which we associate with transformation.

Any time we see Mars in Aries, this strong transformation energy can become activated, due to Mars standing strongly in his own sign and also aspecting his other sign, Scorpio. Mars' last trip through Aries was June 27 – August 10, 2022. At that time, Rahu also occupied Aries, which could have made the startups fizzle or go sideways at that time. What was going on at that time? Can you find any dropped threads to rebraid into the current lead rope?

New Moon in Taurus/Rohini June 6

The Sun and Moon make their monthly conjunction at 23 degrees Taurus, in the fourth pada of Rohini nakshatra, joined nearby by Venus and Mercury. Jupiter stands by in the earlier degrees of Taurus, which consolidates the energy of 5 planets in one sign at this new Moon. This also puts the aspect of all planets but Ketu into the sign of Scorpio on June 5 – 6, when the Moon passes through Taurus.

Prajapati is the deity associated with Rohini, whose planetary ruler is the Moon. The entire nakshatra of Rohini sits within the earth sign, Taurus, ruled by Venus. Venus and Moon share qualities of creative feminine energy and association with the element of water.

Prajapati means Lord of Creation, Lord of Beings, Lord of Creatures and has various assignments throughout time and across cultures, but essentially can be seen as the creator of the universe, its stewards, and its creatures.

On a human level, this trickles down to mad energy in the creativity department with four planets occupying Rohini nakshatra. June 5 – 6 would be a good time to sit still and listen for those creative ideas and inspirations. Heart and mind storm those creative juices, whatever the medium. When the Moon begins to wax, it's time to put ideas into action, and with Venus and Mercury staying with the Sun for a week after the new Moon, keep the enthusiasm for creating new forms going. This is time for building creative momentum!

Venus Transits Gemini June 12 – July 6

Venus catches up with the Sun on June 4th at 21 degrees Taurus for the superior solar conjunction of Venus which marks the transition point from Venus' appearance as morning star to appearance as evening star. Superior conjunction means that Venus is on the other side of the Sun from the Earth, while inferior conjunction means that Venus would be passing between the Earth and Sun.

With this, Venus becomes the vanguard of the planets forging through the zodiac, rising after the Sun and not appearing for us until the Sun sets each evening. While in Gemini, Venus remains in good dignity due to transiting a sign ruled by best friend, Mercury.

As Venus enters the air environment of Gemini, Mercury is dissolved in the heart of the Sun, heading for home and ready to join Venus in getting all the creative projects off the ground. During this transit, Mercury will overtake Venus also, becoming the new herald of the procession, and perhaps speeding up the creative process somewhat.

By late July, Venus will become visible once again in the evening sky after sunset.

Mercury Transits Gemini June 14 – 29

On June 14th, Mercury's superior solar conjunction comes at 30 degrees Taurus in the Mars-ruled nakshatra of Mrigashira that spans Taurus and Gemini. Both Mercury and the Sun will join Venus in Mrigashira/Gemini on this day.

This will be the second sign that Mercury zips through during June, gaining big momentum and speed as he excels through his own air sign of Gemini. June 16 -18 sees Mercury overtaking Venus as they both gallop forward, making space between themselves and the Sun.

Both Mercury and Venus will remain combust with the Sun through the end of June. Rather than discarding their efforts as meaningless due to this burning, let's instead see it as absorption and purification of both Mercury's communication and exchanges, as well as Venus' desire for connection and oneness. Find the highest vibrations of Mercury and Venus and assimilate them into your individual nature, efforts, and projects.

Sun Transits Gemini June 14 – July 15

The Sun enters Gemini just after Mercury on June 14th for one month in Mercury's air sign. By July 15th, when Sun leaves Gemini for Cancer, both of the inner planets will be free of combustion and the Sun-Venus-Mercury machine that rode through June will have driven on.

Since the Sun is the brightest and most predictable of our sky objects, we tend to follow that movement through the zodiac very naturally, all the while creating the rhythm of night and day with our very own earthly rotation. As the Sun moves through Gemini, especially with his entourage of Venus and Mercury tightly flanking him, our focus is on the Mercurial speed applied to the realms of thought, learning, currency, and communication.

The Sun's indications in astrological interpretation include self, soul, individuation, ego, leadership ability, and self-esteem. The Sun in our charts can show how we flex or bury our ego and individual agendas. The goal is to have a working but not overblown or undercharged ego in order for us to know ourselves and see the connection to the greater energy that we variously refer to as divine, Soul, god, universe.

As the Sun visits Mercury's house, we can all collectively participate in a temporary return to the childlike state of curiosity that Gemini represents. With the Sun's job being to define and focus on the individual self, Venus and Mercury's instructions on how to connect and interact with others comes in quite handy. While we learn our subjects at school, like math and art, we also learn how to get along with others, how to wait our turn, how to respect the sovereignty of each and every other student, how to join together in work and play.

Especially the June half of the Sun's transit through Gemini, from mid-June onward, should be quite the learning experience. Tap into this energy by planning to put your heart and soul into whatever Venus-Mercury things you've got your hands into: communications, creation of all kinds, relationship, business, marketing, socializing, playing, entertainment, studies.

The summer solstice falls on June 20th, when the Sun passes through 6 degrees Gemini, the sector of space exactly opposite from the galactic center from Earth. In the northern hemisphere, this marks the longest day of the year. Make it a good one.

Full Moon in Sagittarius/Mula June 21

After the June 6th gang up in Taurus at the new Moon, the Moon glides and grows, encountering only Ketu as she waxes through Virgo, becoming full on Friday, June 21st at 7 degrees Sagittarius, in the second pada of Mula nakshatra, opposite the Sun at 7 degrees Gemini, in the first pada of Ardra Nakshatra.

Aside from the direct bundled gaze of Sun, Mercury, and Venus from Gemini, there are no difficult aspects afflicting this solstice full Moon. During June, the waxing Moon passes through some signs receiving intense aspects, but conjoins no other visible planets, which can translate as our minds being a bit more calm and clear, less affected by the vicissitudes of life.

Mula nakshatra aligns with the first part of Sagittarius, bringing a combination of Ketu and Jupiter energy, pointing to radical growth and upward movement that is possible due to underground roots which have grown fast in silence and with stillness.

Mercury Transits Cancer June 29 – July 19

Mercury's been thinking so fast and hard, he doesn't realize he's running into the river until he lunges into Cancer on June 29th. This will slow the thoughts down, but those who are on a tear with the creative flow won't lose it, it will just transform into a deeper, more penetrating level, with the waters of Cancer receiving the choppy aspect of Rahu from Pisces.

As we close June, with Mercury being forced into vacation mode, we'll begin to move into nurturing what we are creating, away from the new shoots and gaining momentum, into deeply feeling and filling in what we have outlined and sketched.

Saturn Retrograde in Aquarius June 29 – November 15

Each year, both of the visible outer planets, Jupiter and Saturn, will go through an apparent retrograde cycle. Sometimes there is an overlap of these and this year it will be only about one month, between mid-October and mid-November. Saturn's retrograde for 2024 is June 29th through November 15th and Jupiter's will be from October 9th through February 3rd.

Retrograde phases see a planet's observable position “apparently” move backward through the zodiac due to the interaction of elliptical orbits and distances from the Sun. From our point of view on Earth, we observe Saturn or Jupiter, for example, traverse through a sign and then retreat across already crossed territory, only to re-cross the same zone for a third time. This is an interesting part of a planet's transit through the zodiac that brings emphasis to that affected slice.

The upcoming slice of Aquarius that will be affected by Saturn's deep dive starts at 26 degrees Aquarius where Saturn stations retrograde and is bound on the other side at 19 degrees Aquarius, where Saturn will station direct in November. The house in personal charts that is occupied by Aquarius could come into range for some Saturn action.

Retrograde motion can throw a wildcard energy, making the planet's results unpredictable, hyperbolic, or opposite. Anything could happen. With opposite Saturn effects, we may feel that things move a bit more quickly while pressure also lifts. Start thinking of how you could leverage this possibly looser energy of Saturn through the summer months.

July 2024 Headlines

Mercury Transits Cancer June 29 – July 19
New Moon in Gemini/Punarvasu July 5
Venus Transits Cancer July 6 – 31
Mars Transits Taurus July 12 – August 26
Sun Transits Cancer July 15 – August 16
Chaturmas July 17 – November 12
Mercury Transits Leo July 19 – August 22
Full Moon in Capricorn/Uttarashada July 21

Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on Mountain Time Zone, US.

The written and audio versions of this forecast are freely available at Kerry Shamblin claims sole authorship and copyright of every monthly forecast published at since 2001. Use or presentation of this work in whole or in part on any other web site, social media platform or publication must be cited and credited to Kerry Shamblin. Violation of this request will be seen as a voluntary act of plagiarism and theft.

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