by Kerry Shamblin
posted on Feb 26, 2025
Venus Retrograde in Pisces March 1 – April 12
Sun+Saturn Conjunction March 11
Full Moon Total Lunar Eclipse at 30 deg Leo/Uttaraphalguni March 13-14
Sun Transits Pisces March 14 – April 13
Mercury Retrograde in Pisces March 15 – April 7
New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Pisces/Uttarabhadra March 29
Saturn Transits Pisces March 29, 2025 – Feb 23, 2028
April 2025 Headlines
Collective Soul • Leaders • Government • Heart • Individual Agenda
Sun changes signs once per month, traversing all 12 signs in one year.
The Sun moves through the late degrees of Aquarius in March, creating friction with Saturn with a conjunction on March 11. Sun moves to Pisces on March 14th, entering the eclipse zone. There will be a partial solar eclipse on March 29th as the Moon and Sun join Rahu and the retrograde pairing of Venus and Mercury. Buckle up!
Emotions • Mental Fluctuation • Mothers • Caregiving • Devotion • Nutrition
Moon changes signs every 2.5 days, traversing all 12 signs in about a month.
The Moon waxes through early March, phasing into fullness on March 14th in the last degree of Leo, close enough to Ketu for a total lunar eclipse. Close those eyes and look within! During the last two weeks of March, the Moon wanes and joins the Sun in Pisces, resulting in a partial solar eclipse on March 29th, which could signal a hard end and abrupt beginnings.
Power • Strategy • Protection • Alchemy • Courage • Strength
Mars changes signs about every two months, which varies due to occasional retrograde motion.
Mars has recovered direct motion and is regaining power and strength as he moves direct through Gemini for all of March. The signs of Virgo, Sagittarius, and Capricorn could benefit from this focused and ready stance of our internal warrior. When food and shelter are threatened, Mars awakens!
Communication • Currency • Intelligence • Analysis • Local Travel • Markets
Mercury’s movement is variable and quick, from 15 - 60 days in one sign, with three retrograde periods per year.
Mercury has been sent to the front lines to cover the big story. In the midst of confrontations and revelations, Mercury launches into a retrograde cycle in Pisces from March 15 – April 7. Use this unstable disruption as the base camp for observation and analysis with an eye for reinvention. It will be essential to remain flexible enough to balance in the midst of big waves. This may not be a time for forward motion due to the need for further edits.
Growth • Expansion • Positivity • Children • Education • Divinity • Abundance
Jupiter changes signs once per year, traversing all 12 signs in about 12 years.
Jupiter moves through the late degrees of Taurus in March and April, making a fantastic connection with Venus due to her transit through Jupiter’s own Pisces. Tune into practical wisdom, stay with the rhythm of nature, and remain grounded in simple truths and authentic connections that require little effort. With much happening outside of your control, fall back on the golden thread of knowledge that you have braided into your very soul.
Relationships • Business • Politics • Entertainment • Love • Beauty • Creativity
Venus changes signs about once per month, but this varies due to occasional retrograde periods.
Venus has been offering improvements since entering exaltation in Pisces, but this could send us on a twisted path from March 1 – April 12 when Venus moves retrograde. Think of this time as an opportunity to re-write and re-create while no one is watching. With so much other interference on stage, our desires and inspiration are sponging up new juice on the flip side, privately informing our next steps.
Limitation • Contraction • Illness • Suffering • Karma • Time • Age • Slow • Cold
Saturn stays in one sign for 2.5 - 3 years, taking 28-30 years to go through all of the signs.
March sees Saturn creeping slowly toward the doorway between Aquarius and Pisces, finally reaching that threshold on March 29th when he enters Jupiter’s watery shore until February 2028. Time to finish that homework, learn your lessons, and let go of what impedes your forward motion.
Humanity • Instability • Addiction • Innovation • International • Diversity • Opportunity
Rahu and Ketu form an axis that moves in tandem, spending about 1.5 years in each sign, moving in backward motion through the zodiac.
The north node of the Moon, Rahu, springs into action on March 29th as the Sun and Moon group up near him for a partial solar eclipse at the new Moon. This seems like a huge turning point with an eclipse followed immediately by Saturn pushing onto the scene, which sets up a conjunction of Saturn and Rahu through May, creating some stormy weather.
Followers • Army • Spirituality • Intuition • Mistakes • Blindness • Obstruction
Rahu and Ketu form an axis that moves in tandem, spending about 1.5 years in each sign, moving in backward motion through the zodiac.
Ketu’s shadow falls on the full Moon of March 14th, giving us a total lunar eclipse and kicking off a slate of upcoming planetary shifts that click by through May. If you can identify the blockage patterns at this time, you will be able to solve those problems and change course in order to resume your progress. If solutions are elusive, turn the puzzle around.
For an in-depth analysis of specific planetary placements, please continue with the full planetary forecast.
Venus will be spending a substantial amount of time in her exaltation sign of Pisces in 2025, from January 27, 2024 to May 31, 2025. This also creates an exchange of signs with Jupiter, who is bouncing through Venus’ earth sign, Taurus, through May 14th. Jupiter and Venus are known as the great benefic planets, representing the teachers, bestowing upon us wisdom as to how to navigate and honor our natural and social environments.
With this powerful exchange of signs between two positive and helpful planets underpinning the upcoming slate of outer planet shifts, we have a set of powerful tools that will be key as we make our way through changes that may come at a quick pace, accompanied with unexpected developments.
Venus governs our human desire for connection with other Earthlings as well as with the Earth herself. The water sign of Jupiter, Pisces, the final sign of the zodiac, is the main stage for many of the upcoming planetary events, and having Venus present to help things keep flowing with compassion, beauty, art, and love is a benefit for all of us. With Jupiter, the positive, growth-oriented planet who guides us toward our purpose, finishing up his one year transit through Taurus, both planets are bolstered to support and guide as we weather the upcoming outer planet shifts.
Planets changing signs isn’t inherently good or bad, but we all know that our contents can shift during flight and that transitions are inherently unstable. Knowing this, we prepare for a time of temporary instability, looking for ways to make being off the ground a positive experience. Find the openings and look for unimaginable side effects that become part of the solution.
This tight weave created by Venus and Jupiter in the signs of Pisces and Taurus will prevail through mid-May. When Venus begins a retrograde phase on March 1st, we may feel a slight disturbance in the force that requires some re-calibration. Retrograde motion for Venus in this situation could result in a feeling of pulling back from some thing or someone. It may feel as if a connection is disrupted, revealing deeper feelings and hidden weaknesses. Find gratitude for the truth, even when it hurts, and then sit with it compassionately, before lurching forward reactively. These revelations may not be deal breakers, but actions taken in panic could be.
This retrograde phase of Venus will last until April 12th, and during this trip to the “underworld,” we lose sight of Venus in the evening sky. Venus then pops out on the other side of the Sun’s position in the zodiac in late April, when we will begin to see Venus rising before the Sun, coming into morning star phase through the end of 2025.
The astronomy of the dance between Sun and Venus shows the inferior conjunction on March 22nd when Venus races between Earth and Sun. Within a month, we will begin to witness Venus in the eastern morning sky through the summer and fall. Venus then begins to rush toward the Sun again, coming into superior conjunction on January 6, 2026, when Venus passes behind the Sun, re-emerging as evening star in February 2026.
Venus retrograde through the upcoming eclipse pairing and Saturn changing signs to Pisces will assist us in letting go of what truly isn’t supporting future growth. We will be liberated from holding on due to nostalgia or deep fear of loss.
Venus rules relationships. Rather than allowing the fear of losing a partner to creep in, go bigger and see that what is actually being lost are old and defunct ways of relating. Join with your partners, friends, community, and family members and work through outdated and harmful features of how you are connecting with the intention of growing forward into healthier relationships and support systems.
The Sun begins March by moving through the latter degrees of Aquarius, which means that the annual summit meeting with Saturn awaits us all. The Sun and Saturn have an interesting relationship, flavored both by familial bonds and enemy status. Sun is the captain of Team Individuality and Saturn is the captain of Team Collective; their interaction generally brings forward themes of individual preference vs community requirement.
This will be the last summit meeting for a couple of decades where Saturn presides over his own territory, making him strong to act to challenge the sometimes selfish demands of individuality.
As Venus retrograde begins to gel and the the Sun moves toward Rahu and the impending eclipse experiences, it is a great time to step back and take stock of your own personal assertions or deficits. Make some practical decisions about what must change regarding your approach to personal agendas and or personal sacrifices in the face of group needs.
As the Sun moves past Saturn, the Moon moves into a tight opposition with the Sun, creating the setup for the full Moon of March, near enough to the nodal axis to furnish a total lunar eclipse as March 13th becomes March 14th. The Sun will be at 29 degrees 44 minutes Aquarius in the nakshatra of Purvabhadra and the Moon opposes at 29 degrees 44 minutes Leo in the nakshatra of Uttarphalguni.
Within an hour, the Moon moves into Virgo, pushing past the eclipse causer, Ketu, and within about eight hours, the Sun pushes into Pisces, running up on Rahu. This is again a tipping point full Moon as we’ve been experiencing for the past few months, and this time, we’ve got the eclipse energy as well, indicating that we may all feel the rock and roll of Rahu and Ketu waking up in mid-March.
The year of the dragon has become the year of the snake, both of which echo the transformation energy of Rahu and Ketu and the play of light and shadow that they indicate. Ketu and the Moon will be drawing our attention to the border lands between the Sun’s fire sign, Leo, and Mercury’s earth sign, Virgo. The nakshatra Uttaraphalguni spans between these two signs, bringing the creative fire of the Sun to fertile ground of the Earth. The deity Bhaga presides over this sector of space, representing the accumulation of wealth that supports the growth of human families and tribes.
Impactive with this eclipse is the borderline, tipping point feeling due to the degree of the Moon lying on the transition point between Leo and Virgo, but within the span of Uttarabhadra nakshatra. This is the point where the rubber hits the road. The honeymoon is over and we have to be practical about how to translate the gifts of nature into sustenance for all.
Since the concept of eclipse, especially when caused by Ketu, is based on blockage of light and diversion of energy, we may conclude that this eclipse coincides with the revelation that the wealth symbolized by the limitless generosity of the Sun, the planetary ruler of Uttaraphalguni, has been diverted or blocked from reaching the teeming mass of life on Earth that relies on this light for support.
Opposite the Moon shadow in Virgo we have a serious grouping in the sign of Pisces, including Rahu, Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, and retrograde Venus, los tres amigos. That is quite a bit of churning in the final sign of the zodiac; understand that the turbulence being experienced now is assisting us in wrenching free of old formats that are clinging to imbalanced systems.
It may be time to mention that along with the combined energy of Rahu, retrograde Venus, and Mercury in the stars of Pisces, we also see Neptune, who is currently presiding like Poseidon in the nakshatra of Uttarabhadra and Saturn, reminding us of the energy at the depths of our foundations, where we find our true strength as the waters of life continually move around us.
What do you want, who are your people, and how are you going to make it happen or keep it in place? When the world is turning and changing around you, let your own heart anchor you in time and space.
Less than half a day after the eclipse moment, the Sun pushes away from Saturn and toward Rahu, who will be the shadow supplier for the solar eclipse at the new Moon on March 29th.
From March 14th through April 13th, the great Sun passes through the stars of Pisces, the designated territory of Jupiter, currently bound into the equation due to his exchange of signs with Venus.
Pisces, the watery final sign of the zodiac, expresses the concept of universality, requiring a broad perspective that can view the big picture of past, present, and future that are the result of the relentless passage of time. We see resolution, dissolution, and evolution in Pisces, the flow of life that recycles the detritus of the flood into the fertile fields of the future.
In the context of the upcoming outer planet shifts, the Sun as natural leader of the planets, brings our attention to the need for letting go of what has passed, even the good parts of it. As with time, the Sun moves steadily forward, daily pushing each of us on our evolutionary journey.
Let the Sun shine in! Look under the covers, face the facts, and clean the closets. When the Sun moves into Aries on April 13th for a month in his sign of exaltation, we should be ready to move forward with new campaigns. The creative force of the Sun moves into Aries as the creative flow of Venus resumes direct motion in Pisces, putting the two creators in exaltation from mid-April to mid-May. Start planning now! Reorganize your studio, your platform, and your materials. The positive creative forces will play a helpful role in the upcoming months.
With the mixer already turned on and whirling, Mercury increases the speed with a retrograde cycle from March 15th through April 7th . Mercury begins the review period at 16 degrees Pisces, very near his bestie Venus, retrograde at 13 degrees Pisces. Venus and Mercury, both retrograde in tandem, will look like a couple of synchronized swimmers attempting a routine in the midst of naval operations in the high seas.
Mercury’s retrograde period is nestled in the boundaries of Venus’ retrograde period, both in the sense of space and time. With Venus and Mercury as ever supportive friends, we are invited to curl into our ways of connecting and communication in order to leave behind disfunctional old patterns. This is a cocoon moment where we transform the old and dream of the future flights in flowered fields.
Retrograde Mercury comes very close to retrograde Venus but never quite catches up. When Mercury resumes direct motion on April 7th, it is amidst a remarkable conjunction of the Team Saturn planets within the early degrees of Pisces. We will see Saturn, Mercury, Venus, and Rahu all placed in the fourth pada of Purvabhadra nakshatra. Venus alone that day remains retrograde and winning a war with Saturn. Stay tuned for more coverage of this gathering!
Use this strong Mercury retrograde within a Venus retrograde period for serious editing, re-connecting with source, and set changing. This is a big-time backstage moment. The negative facets of your Venus and Mercury are ready for a costume change. Goodbye people pleasing and crafty communication; hello authentic connection and balanced transactions!
As Mercury, Venus, and Rahu stir the pot during the last two weeks of March, the waning Moon moves toward that cluster in Pisces, eventually settling into the monthly conjunction with the Sun at 15 degrees Pisces, in the last pada of Uttarabhadra nakshatra. This new Moon will be 11 degrees away from the Rahu-Ketu axis, making this only a partial solar eclipse.
After the full Moon eclipse with the Moon in the Sun’s nakshatra of Uttaraphalguni on March 14th, the waning Moon moves through the quiet half of the zodiac. By March 26th, we see the Moon entering Aquarius and approaching Saturn, who acts as the temporary gatekeeper for the pile up in Pisces.
As we all approach this end of month eclipse while simultaneously feeling the drain of the waning Moon and also the apprehension of what is to come, let’s make the intention to remain connected to one another, to our communities, to our closest people, to ourselves and our practices. Connection, flexibility, resilience, and creativity will be our allies through the upcoming months.
Uttarabhadra nakshatra will be the backdrop for the Sun and Moon’s joining, bringing in a little Saturn energy, as he is the planetary lord, and mixing it with the influence of Ahir Budhnya, the atmospheric serpent that brings rains, creating a structure for growth as the plants who benefit create stability. Did someone mention Neptune? He and Mercury will both be nearby, also in Uttarabhadra.
With the intensity of eclipse bringing our attention to Uttarabhadra at this time, understand that the directive of this nakshatra has to do with finding a way to weave together structure, growth, and creative energy in order to create stability. While the world turns and churns completely out of our immediate control, we are being asked to root down, find our structure and create new avenues for growth.
A new Moon, with eclipse energy, and the added pepper of Saturn’s influence underneath it all, could feel as if we’ve reached a point of overwhelm or exhaustion. Holding the line takes determination. Remaining detached enough to let go when the time comes is an intense practice. The practice and discipline that you have cultivated are for moments like this, when in the midst of darkness, in smoky confusion, we are tasked with knowing what we want and moving toward those things, even though.
Hours after the eclipse, the Moon begins to wax and shifts into Revati nakshatra, shortly after which the great Saturn deliberately steps into Pisces on March 29th. This day also happens to be a Saturday, appropriate for Saturn’s big day of 2025.
Saturn will move slowly through Pisces from March 29, 2025 through February 23, 2028, making his time in Jupiter’s watery sign almost three years long, which is typical for Saturn’s transit through one sign. As we try to understand how this long transit may affect us individually and collectively, let’s account for Saturn’s last tour though Pisces which gave us a preview from June – August 1995, with the bulk of that transit from February 16, 1996 – April 16, 1998.
Saturn’s detached determination while in the universal and dispersed environment of Pisces could feel purposeful and hard-working. What area of your life needs a spell of humble, responsible service? Where do you want to invest in the long haul? Let Saturn be your guide, getting you to stick to your routine and plan out the next long game.
Through Saturn’s aspects, three other signs will receive his practical and contractive influences. First, Taurus, Venus’ earth sign and the 2nd sign of the zodiac that brings us farm fresh food, familial support, and earthly delights. Second, Virgo, Mercury’s earth sign and the 6th sign of the zodiac that brings us harvest time, food production, applied medicine, and practical skillsets. Third will be through Saturn’s 10th aspect, all business, to the sign of Sagittarius. Sagittarius is the fire sign of Jupiter, the 9th sign of the zodiac, associated with higher knowledge, positive growth, purpose, and direction.
Saturn’s transits can feel like pressure, sculpting, obstruction, slowing, or frozen energy. Saturn’s practical approach to the facts of life including old age, disease, and life’s transitory nature, can sometimes be hard to handle. Maintaining a humble attitude and understanding that all life forms have an equal right to Mother Earth’s bounty helps.
For the signs of Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, and Sagittarius and the corresponding house meaning for individual charts, it is a great time to understand this incoming influence. Resistance is futile, but surrender when applied with grace can be be rewarding.
Saturn demands that the collective be considered in all major decisions. Saturn understands that the basis of individual experience is crucial to creating a vibrant and resilient ecosystem that supports the collective, but never at the expense of the collective.
When it is difficult to say no, it is generally because we wish to spare the other party some kind of disappointment; avoiding the no is accepting that disappointment, which must be digested by someone. Saturn reminds us that reality cannot be avoided, that our time is limited, and that our actions and intentions actually count.
The good news is that once we fall into acceptance of this guidance, surrendering to the monotony of routine, it turns out that the slower cadence of life becomes the most stable and nourishing. Saturn’s discipline and wisdom of the ages keeps us ticking along, even when we can’t see the path ahead. Take care of yourself, take care of other people, and watch the ripple effect of support.
Saturn + Rahu Conjunction April – May
Mars Transits Cancer April 2 – June 6
Mercury Direct at 3 deg Pisces April 7
Full Moon in Virgo 30 deg/Chitra April 12
Venus Direct in Pisces April 12
Sun Transits Aries April 13 – May 14
New Moon at 14 deg Aries/Bharani April 27
Calculations are done using the Chitrapaksha ayanamsha and the mean node. Timings are based on Mountain Time Zone, US.
The written and audio versions of this forecast are freely available at Kerry Shamblin claims sole authorship and copyright of every monthly forecast published at since 2001. Use or presentation of this work in whole or in part on any other web site, social media platform or publication must be cited and credited to Kerry Shamblin. Violation of this request will be seen as a voluntary act of plagiarism and theft.